
Friday, September 26, 2008

Double tagged! ok ok ...I'm in the game... :)

So Stephanie's cousin started this...and I've enjoyed reading everyone elses blog why not join in? I wasn't quite sure how to get started...Holly told me to copy & that is what I've done...her goes!

Where is your cell phone? my purse...I broke down and bought a bigger purse and gave my little one to Lilah (she'd been checking it out for a long time)

Where is your significant other? Elliott is at work right now...fixing all those big machines!

Your hair color? Black & silver....sounds trendy, doesn't it!

Your mother? She is in her own world and very happy... I'm happy for her!

Your father? He is in my Mom's world and very happy... I'm happy for him!

Your dream last night? I did have a dream, however, I can't remember it (what a surprise)

Your dream/goal? I have many dreams & goals...right now I'm working on losing weight, building a green house, being a good Nana, enjoying a wonderful relationship with Elliott, tending my relationships with all my wonderful children, planning another vacation, finishing the family room downstairs... (should keep me busy for a while!)

The room your in? ...the office at work during a few quiet moments before I go home for the day

Your hobby? Gardening, salt water aquarium... and being wise :)

Your fear? ...I can't think of any fears right now...I've always said that I won't worry until you tell me I have something to worry about.

Where do you want to be in 6 years? I don't have any plans on going anywhere, so hopefully I'll still be on the right side of the grass :)

Where were you last night? I went to Julie & Greg's and watched Cali swimming...errr...I mean having a bath...just a kickin' & a splashin' away. I got to give her her bottle before she went to bed :)

What your not? I'm not perfect, and I'm not always right...contrary to some opinions ;)

Where you grew up? good ol' Mission, in the good old days when no one locked their doors and we played out of doors all day long...

The last thing you did? I just talked to a co-worker about his father who is at the end of his life in the hospital... the family is waiting for end to come...and I hope I said some things to comfort him.

What are you wearing? Same ol' jeans and my new favourite t-shirt with the pictures of cats & dogs.

Your TV? It's pretty old... time for a new one... plasma or LCD...decision, decisions!

Your pet? Do I have a pet? hmm...well I seem to have other people's pets! Tag is Holly's dog... Iggy used to be Katie's dog... Minnie used to be Julie's cat...and Fluff is Elliott's cat... so I can't really lay claim to any of them can I ?? I just feed 'em and look after 'em :)

Your computer? I bought Holly's old lap top... I remember years ago a co-worker, Patti, said she spent so much time on a computer at work and that was enough... now I know how she's the last thing I want to do when I get home is spend time in front of a computer...well, with the exception of reading family blogs!

Your mood? Really tired at this moment...haven't slept well the past couple of nights, but is 'tired' a mood?? In general I'm really happy... I'm very content and feeling peaceful and looking forward to the future and whatever it holds...happy times & sad times, the things that enrich my life!

Missing someone? I miss Katie because she is on the Island and even though she is as close as a phone call...there is that darn ferry... and Holly... the last of my chicks left the nest last year and the house seems different without her...and I miss her.

Your car? I'm very proud to drive my Dad's 1992 Nissan Stanza...and plan on driving it until it is no longer drivable.

Something your not wearing? Lipstick?? ;)

Favorite store? Garden Works right now!! :) and that 30% discount (Thanks Holly!)

Your summer? ...zipped right on by, how did that happen?

Love someone? My celestial twin... Elliott...the love of my life! My children, their grandchildren... I feel so blessed to have the family that I have!

Your favorite color? I always seem to gravitate towards pink when I pick out flowering that must be it! I love the rainbow though...does that count?

When is the last time you laughed? At work the other day, Frank said something really funny, as only Frank can... he keeps a smile on everyone's face with his opinions on life & other people!

The last time you cried? The other night, I was thinking about my Dad... and how many thoughtful things he did for me. I remember being a rather abrasive natured person for a while and said a lot of things I wish I could take back... it just made me sad that I didn't recognize his kindness & wisdom at the time. I know I apologized to him later in life... 'forgiveness is the fragrance the violet leaves after the heal has crushed it' I feel I am still learning so many things from my Dad... and I never thought I would say this, however, I am learning a lot from my Mom too... getting old does have it advantages!

Now I get to tag you!...